Building Safer Communities: A Blueprint for A Safer Blaine County


As your candidate for Sheriff, I believe that true safety comes from strong partnerships between law enforcement and the community we serve. Here's how we can work together to create a safer Blaine County:

Community Policing:

We'll implement strategies that foster trust and collaboration between deputies and residents. This includes regular community meetings, increased foot patrols, and programs that encourage positive interactions with law enforcement.

Crime Prevention:

By leveraging data analytics and community input, we'll identify and address the root causes of crime before they escalate. This proactive approach will help us allocate resources more effectively.

Youth Engagement:

We'll expand programs that connect young people with positive role models in law enforcement. By building these relationships early, we can steer youth away from crime and towards productive futures.

Mental Health Support:

We'll partner with mental health professionals to ensure that individuals in crisis receive appropriate care, reducing the likelihood of dangerous situations and repeat offenses.

Transparent Communication:

Regular updates on crime trends, police activities, and community initiatives will keep residents informed and engaged in our collective safety efforts.

Together, we can create a Blaine County where everyone feels safe, valued, and protected. It's not just about enforcing laws – it's about building a community we're all proud to call home.