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Hughston Responds to False Allegations and a Call for Ballis to be Honest with BlaineCounty Voters


Aaron Hughston Calls for Transparency and Ethical Leadership in Blaine County Sheriff’s Race

HAILEY, IDAHO – August 30, 2024 – Aaron Hughston will continue his efforts to bring transparency and accountability to the Blaine County Sheriff’s Office in the face of false accusations from opponent Morgan Ballis.

“As a leader in our community, I have never backed down from the truth, even when it has been uncomfortable,” Hughston declared. “This unwavering commitment to honesty and transparency will be the cornerstone of my tenure as your Sheriff. The residents of Blaine County deserve nothing less than complete openness from their law enforcement leaders. Ballis’ attempt at silencing me for telling voters what he should have disclosed during the primary race, is the kind of dishonesty and blame shifting that Blaine County voters can expect from Ballis should he become sheriff.”

Hughston stressed the importance of voter awareness in this election. “Voters have the right to comprehensive information about every candidate seeking the office of sheriff. This includes their full background, experience, and vision. I’ve always been transparent about my history and qualifications, and I firmly believe this level of openness is non-negotiable for anyone aspiring to serve in public office, especially in law enforcement.”

Aaron Hughston has deep roots in our community, having lived and worked in Blaine County for over 20 years. His commitment to public service is evident through his decade and a half as a Deputy Reserve for both the Blaine County and Elmore County Sheriff’s Offices. Aaron is a family man, married to a respected Blaine County school teacher, and together they are raising their daughter in the valley.

Throughout his time here, Aaron has been transparent about his life experiences. This includes a past incident where he was acquitted on grounds of self-defense, an experience that fostered in him a deep empathy for those struggling with mental health issues. As a small business owner, Aaron has successfully navigated the economic challenges faced by our valley, demonstrating resilience and adaptability.

Aaron’s two decades in Blaine County have been marked by openness, integrity, and community involvement. His experiences as a law enforcement volunteer, family man, and local entrepreneur have shaped him into a trusted leader, well-prepared to serve as our Sheriff.

Outlining his reasons for running, Hughston stated, “I’m running for Sheriff because I have the experience and integrity to lead our department effectively, I’m committed to enhancing public safety through community-oriented policing, and I will ensure fiscal responsibility and accountability in the Sheriff’s Office.”

Hughston emphasized the gravity of the Sheriff’s role, stating, “This position demands an individual capable of examining all evidence, making tough decisions, and always prioritizing the community’s interests. I urge all voters to carefully consider who possesses the vision, temperament, and character required for this vital role.” In closing, Hughston invited an open dialogue with the community. “I’m ready to answer your questions and earn your trust. Let’s engage in an honest, transparent discussion about the future of law enforcement in Blaine County.”

For more information about Aaron Hughston and his campaign stop calendar, visit