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Campaign Issue Priority: Mental Health Support

Dear Blaine County Voters,

As I campaign for Blaine County Sheriff on a platform of transparency, community partnership, and proactive public safety solutions, I feel it is important to share a personal experience that has deeply influenced my stance on prioritizing mental health support.

Several years ago while off duty, I was regrettably forced to defend myself during an encounter with an individual suffering from a mental health crisis. Despite attempted de-escalation, the situation quickly escalated, and I had to make the difficult decision to protect myself then call 911 for assistance.

What transpired was traumatic, but through the legal process I was found not guilty. The individual was able to receive the urgent psychological care and treatment they needed after this incident.

This harrowing experience laid bare the profound challenges that arise when mental illness goes unaddressed, and individuals lack access to proper resources. Too often, law enforcement officers are the de facto first responders to mental health emergencies they are not fully equipped to handle.

If elected Blaine County Sheriff, I am committed to implementing better solutions. This includes appointing a dedicated mental health liaison to facilitate handling mental health cases through compassionate protocols and professional support services – not criminalization.

At the same time, I will prioritize transparency and accountability from law enforcement, ensuring our deputies build strong community ties through open communication and engagement. My administration will also leverage proven policing strategies unified with cutting-edge technologies and data analytics to enhance our proactive crime prevention capabilities.

We have an opportunity to show leadership in how we approach mental health, public safety, and upholding the principles of justice and equality for all of Blaine County’s citizens. With your vote, we can make this progressive vision for trusted, proactive, and principled law enforcement a reality.


Aaron Hughston

Candidate, Blaine County Sheriff